Review of The Signal

The Signal (2007)
Nothing but extremely small-scale repetitive violence that takes "Senseless" to a whole new level
2 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The Signal can be summed up thusly in one sentence: A few men and a couple of women keep torturing and killing each other multiple times for 1 hour and 40 minutes. It is important to take special note that that it is *the same* few men and couple of women torturing and killing each other multiple times. No one stays dead in The Signal. Although The Signal shows the same 5 actors/characters die multiple times in the movie, they just keep coming back scene after scene to "kill each other" again. This renders all the violence and "kills" in the movie utterly meaningless. Senseless violence in the truest sense of the word.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good violent movie as much as the next person. Violence in movies can be very entertaining, and is great when it is done-well. The problem with The Signal is not the violence in and of itself, but rather that that is *all* that there is to the movie. The problem is also the violence in The Signal makes no sense whatsoever, and the violence in The Signal is merely *the same* actors/characters bludgeoning each other to death in repetitive ways over and over again. For this reason the violence in The Signal isn't even fun on a mindless entertainment level, because even mindless entertainment must have *some* small semblance of intelligence to be fun (Ie: The same actors/characters don't keep getting up after being killed and killing each other again multiple times).

A man in The Signal who takes a hammer blow directly to the back of the head ends up being fine, completely aware of his surroundings and able to run around like Superman and kill other people all night long. Just as much so even after he takes multiple gunshots.

A main character's head is gruesomely bashed in beyond recognition, on-screen, yet a minute or two later he is standing up with his head "magically" intact again with no explanation at all (because there is no possible way to even *attempt* to explain such absolute drivel!). By the point in the movie where this happens, it is probably already the 4th or 5th time where the two very same main actors/characters had "killed each other" in the movie. After this point in the movie, the same two actors continue to "kill each other" a couple of dozen more times for the next 40 minutes until the movie is over.

In the first half hour a character in The Signal claims the streets are full of chaos & anarchy, then the movie shows 5 seconds worth of quick cuts of a few people stumbling around the streets. For the entire rest of the movie, the streets are completely empty. The *only people* seen in the movie are the 3 actors and 2 actresses who they hired to kill each other multiple times for 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Many have pointed out that the vehicle a main character drives in The Signal "magically" changes to a *completely different* vehicle from one shot to the next.

There is a *good reason* why The Signal disappeared out of all theatres in less than a week and you've *probably* never even heard of it until stumbling upon the title by happenstance. That reason is because The Signal is an asinine movie that is unfit for theatrical release, and unfit for the cost of a DVD rental also. That it even *exists* as a movie is an embarrassment to the intelligence of mankind as a lifeform.

The first 3 minutes of The Signal set the bar very low already (and establishes that the movie is going to make no sense) by having no relation whatsoever to the rest of the movie. Just a generic scene of some women being chased through the woods and locked up in a cabin. In addition to being absolutely irrelevant to the movie, this scene has no resolution and no point.

I never thought I'd see a movie worse than a Uwe Boll movie, but The Signal *is*. Uwe Boll's movies are Oscar-worthy masterpieces *when compared* to The Signal.

A lot of people say that The Signal rips off Stephen King's "The Cell". All I can say is I darn sure hope not! Because if when The Cell movie comes out if it is anywhere near as bad as The Signal, it will be another blight against the intelligence of mankind, not to mention agonizing to watch.

The origin of "the signal" in the movie is never explained. The wide effect of the signal on the city or planet are never shown. The movie spends 100% of it's time following the same 5 actors through small apartments, hallways, and a few empty streets. That's it. The premise of The Signal sounds like you are getting an epic movie, but *really* the only thing you get from The Signal is *extremely* small-scale nonsense. There *might as well* only be 5 people on the planet during the course of the movie The Signal, because anyone else who may be present on the planet is not shown or discussed at all in the movie.

Note: I apologize for this review being fairly repetitive, but it was the only reasonable way to fully describe the content of The Signal, as well as give you a feel of what watching the movie will be like. If you found this review boring and repetitive, you will probably find watching the The Signal movie to be 50x more boring and repetitive.

The Signal is quite possibly the most ridiculous, asinine, nonsensical movie of all-time. But *not* in a good way. I would give The Signal a 0/10, but unfortunately IMDb forces me to give it a 1/10.
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