Review of Inside

Inside (2007)
incredibly stupid, unintelligent + boring
18 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Inside (2007) brings nothing to the table but explicit gore and that makes for a pretty unappetizing dish. OK, so maybe this just proves how intelligent I am, but I thought this movie was really boring. I've been a hard-core horror movie fan since the age of about 2. Maybe that's why I was unimpressed. Maybe it's because I have an actual brain.

An abysmally stupid and literal bloody mess that's a by-the-book slasher nonsense, stolen from American horror then called "original French horror". Contemptible protagonist, illogical police cannon fodder, stereotypically uninteresting antagonist, this film is just as tired as the genre ground it treads. For this to work it's crucial to have a villain with psychological tales that are frightening and fun to watch; but it's no surprise that she stands alongside every film psycho of this era whose either an anti-hero or simply crazy for crazy's sake.

As for the gore it's nothing you haven't seen before. I'd heard that it was suspenseful, gory, and no-holds-barred. Yawn. It wasn't suspenseful, because after a while I just stopped caring what would happen. It was kind of gory, but by no means the goriest film ever. And at this point plain ol' gore doesn't impress me much. As for "no-holds-barred," well, yeah, a pregnant woman is the victim, so I guess that's a little edgy. Maybe. A little. But not enough to make up for the rest of this rather dull film.

I'm a huge fan of horror. I also like very well made movies with interesting visuals regardless of genre. This film was badly made and featured some very bad acting. However, the film is pointless. It lacks a plot, it lacks motive, and the ending of the film is unsatisfying (though extremely brutal). I guess if you love gore and are insane, you'll probably like it. Personally, it seemed clichéd and a bit silly. I give it zero stars instead of one because I can't deny the bad look and the bad acting, but I also can't say that I LIKE the movie.

I think the hype on this one is really getting out of hand. While I'll admit that it's certainly darker and nastier than anything mainstream U.S. horror films have offered in a long time, I just don't think it's all that good.

It had me for the first two minutes or so, but after that point, the movie decided to throw logic and credibility out the window & a dumb computer baby? Characters behaved like complete idiots. (The main character somehow doesn't recognize her own mother's voice or appearance and accidentally kills her. A police officer gives the main character a gun without asking her if she knows how to use it and then, rather than trying to get her out of the house and to a hospital, leaves her so he can try to turn the electricity back on. Predictably, he and a perp from a previous arrest he has tethered to himself (??) are killed.) Then there's the scene where a character just so happens to have everything necessary to a) set someone on fire, b) give herself an emergency tracheotomy,--by this point, we've been given no evidence that she has any medical knowledge, she doesn't appear to use any kind of tube to keep the opening from closing up, and she doesn't seem to feel any discomfort from this--and c) construct a crude spear (made from a kitchen knife and a telescoping metal tube into which the knife's handle just so happens to fit snugly) all within a five-foot radius of her.

The final shot of the movie is incredibly stupid, but everything that leads up to it is so ridiculous that it failed to affect me in the way the makers intended. I think this might have worked better as a 5-minute episode of Losers of Horror, but even 82 minutes was too long for this story.

Aside from the incompetent direction, the only other thing I can offer is that, if you're looking for a movie with tons of gratuitous gore and violence against pregnant women, here's the flick for you. Sickos.
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