Sarkar Raj (2008)
Terrible, terrible terrible
16 June 2008
This movie feels like a collage of all of the director's favorite scenes from The Godfather 1 and 2 stitched together with a plot that seems added on at the last minute. The basic gist is that Aishwarya and her Dad (a sorely underutilized Victor Banerjee) want to set up India's biggest power plant in Maharashtra. The duo come to Sarkar (AB Sr.) for help and after some initial doubts, he relents. There's also a trio of baddies all of whom overact horribly (and mind you, they are all fine character actors from Hindi films and Marathi Theatre) and conspire to bring down the Sarkar family. What follows is basically a a movie that seems content to build up the characters of the Sarkar family as do-gooders with purely altruistic motives. Both, father and son launch into Maharshtra loving monologues at the drop of a hat and in the wake of the Raj Thakeray outburst against the Bachans this seems like a calculated piece of subliminal propaganda. The monologues are badly written but then the writing and the dialogs are terrible anyway.

The acting is uniformly bad. Amitabh looks tired and is just going through the motions here. It is at best a performance that has been phoned in by one of our finest actors. Abhishek was a lot better in the first movie and I actually thought he's learned to act but he's very disappointing here. Aishwarya could never act and she continues in the same vein.

Another thing that really hurt the movie was the final conversation between Amitabh and Aishwarya where Sarkar joins the dots and explains the conspiracy against his family. It seemed like a ridiculous last minute add on and was any body else reminded of the scene from Godfather where Michael has his last conversation with his brother -in-law? A word must also be said about RGV's directing of this film. While the content itself seems pretty weak, his over reliance on weird camera angles and even weirder lighting makes this movie irritating to watch. Sarkar Raj in fact feels like a movie made by a director who has lost his power over the medium. I'd blame the failing of this film mainly on RGV, Abhishek (who comes up with a truly bland performance) and Aishwarya (who desperately over emotes in her quest to come across as a tough as nails business woman).

This is a weak, dull and ultimately boring sequel to a movie that was pretty good. Re-watch Sarkar but stay away from this sequel.
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