Supergator (2006 Video)
Supergator = Superstupid
29 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
B-movies can sometimes be so uniquely and creatively bad they become fun to watch. Supergator is really, really bad...but not in a unique or fun way. It's a very poorly done rip-off of Jurassic Park, Lake Placid and just about any monster movie you've ever seen all rolled into one.

At first the movie seems to be playing up its own cheesiness, with lots of babes in bikinis and ridiculous acting. However, as the story progresses it becomes unclear if the director started to take things a little too seriously. We start to wonder, "Wait, did they think they were actually making a good movie and not a B-movie laugher?". At one point the film actually tries to logically explain why there's a giant, pre-historic gator living on a volcanic mountain in Hawaii. Whatever, I was looking for more babes in bikinis at that point.

How did Kelly McGillis end up in this mess? She was a real star at one point. Has her career sunk to the level of Supergator? Maybe it's time to retire. The bad acting is compounded by a script that takes itself way too seriously. Bianca Lawson, one of the leads, is so bad she has no business even trying to act. Some people simply have no talent for acting. She is one of them.

As for the special effects, they are perhaps the worst I have ever seen. If you're going to make a movie (even a B-movie) about a giant killer gator, at least have the budget to make it look somewhat real. The gator looks like a low-resolution animation from a video game that was dropped into the film at the last minute.

The biggest question has to be: Why even spend money making a movie like this? The entire idea is a complete retread of movies that have already been made with a bigger budget, better writing and better actors. Although this movie has its campy moments, it's not campy enough to come off as a parody.

The money spent making this disaster could have been put towards a much better, original idea. Or they could have just given the money to charity. Either would have been a better use of the funds.
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