Farscape: Won't Get Fooled Again (2000)
Season 2, Episode 15
What the Frell is going on?
1 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best episodes of the series with the audience thrown in to the deep end without any warning. The writers take the old "it was all a dream story" but rather than have the lead start to believe, he does not accept the situation and so the show takes on an increasingly darker undertones as Crichton is slowly driven insane.

The story is at times funny (Zan as a psychologist with a green card, Rigel in S&M gear, Crais as the cop), sexy (Aeryn and Chiana together, Aeryn's tongue), disturbing (Crichton's Oedipus reactions, his begging for mercy at the death of his mother), gory (the death of the Scarren) and leaves the audience with knowledge that the characters will not find out until much later in the season.

The most incredible thing is that the story is very similar (in principle) to the first season episode "A Human Reaction", but this is much better. All of the cast are on top form, able to play with their characters and show their respective strengths while still pushing the story forward.
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