Flashpoint (2008–2012)
13 July 2008
I found the pilot show to be a disappointment. In the commercials it looked good. It reminded me of the show the Unit. There wasn't enough action. They kind of just sat there. The suspense wasn't built up and not a lot things were going on. I don't think this show will have enough to make more than one season. Just like the show, Journeyman. The show went on. The writers went on strike and then it never even finished season one. People say it was because of bad ratings. If you would just ad more stunts and cool effects and scenes to the show. Then it would become more interesting. Put the characters in a situation of danger. As much as I hate when this happens. Build up the suspense so much, then flash. To be continued across the screen. Then your viewers will come back next week as well as people heard about episode number one and want to see episode number two. CSI does that. Look how many viewers they have piled up. CSI New York knows how to make a hell of a season finale.
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