Charmed: Someone to Witch Over Me (2004)
Season 7, Episode 7
Bad day for angels
15 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
O-kayyy... so Leo hasn't been himself recently. The whole dream-quest idea is coherent, and I rather like the explanation that is given (and the fact that Chris himself -the older one- delivers it). But STILL. How can Leo buy the Avatars' arguments so very easily, right when he seemed to be back on the right track ? Even Cole denied them for months, for crying out loud ! and he only gave in when he was beyond desperate. The best explanation that can be given here is that Leo is just choosing the easy way out, and even then it still looks as if this has already been done.

As for the guardian angel plot, it isn't stupid, but it is confused and confusing. So now magic can be seen on camera ? And why would Brody be interested in the fate of fire victims ? More to the point, aren't Whitelighters supposed to BE those guardian angels ? It looks as if the scriptwriters are ignoring several rules of the Charmed world just to implement a plot they like, which isn't right. Still, Paige's and Brody's investigation is interesting ; they make a totally reckless, potentially catastrophic, but really likely team.
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