I'm really sorry guys I tried to let my mind go with this move but......here my review!
3 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing Iron-man my first thought was that this is going to be the start to great summer movies...then i saw Indiana Jones and even though i was anticipated to see it, i was shot down by very poorly scripted story, and bad directions that could of made that movie an instant classic...but then, "The Dark knight" re leaved my doubts and yet much like anyone who loved the first and second, "Mummy" movies saw the trailer for, "The mummy 3 and thought...this movie is going to be the S**t. Well i got a chance to see Mummy 3 and I'm sorry i went into that theater with a mindless wonder and even still....this movie failed to capture me like the others...but for those that read my reviews i will give you the benefits of this movie before i set off with the negative so are you ready here we go:

The mummy 3 started off pretty strong (but i have to be honest it felt like the director was trying to recreate the original but in a Asian stand point) continues the saga of the O'Connell's as they face a mid-life crisis...basically the courageous Rick O'Connell (Brandon Frasier) is now a failed fisherman trying to deal not being in his "action junkie" fix and Evie O'Connell (Maria Bello....NOT Rachel Wietz!)has a writers block after writing the mummy and mummy returns (Yes it seems as the first two adventures were nothing more than stories from the mind of Evie...how DUMB is that!?) but yet as she put it, "it was a completely different person"...haha in a sarcastic way! So in a nutshell the son Alex O'Connell (Luke Ford....NOT Freddie Boath!) is out in china on a dig which due to some cohesion by the curator uncovers the tomb of the dragon emperor...oooooooh! and from there this much becomes a rush amalgamated mess of different cliché's from different movies like, "Big trouble in little china", "Crouching tiger", and the original "Mummy" movie only except replace Ardet bey (Oded fehr) the guardian of the tomb of Imotep with Lin (Isabella Leong) the guardian of the tomb of the dragon king....duh duh duuuuuh!

What ensues after this is got to be on record as the most rushed display of story, character development, and a typical display of romance than I have ever seen in a movie and I've seen A LOT of movies. I'm sorry i was trying to put positive to a pretty bad story...well, the soundtrack was good...and the action was very ummm abundant?? But that's what I mostly saw; it didn't pack that close-quarter danger and intensity as Imotep and the original mummy series, i mean after looking at this movie i thought, "The scorpion king" was a great movie and i don't like the scorpion king that much! When you have a director like Rob Cohen (Fast and furious, XxX, Electra and other pretty cheesy movies) who for some reason thought CHINA out of oh I don't know....Africa, SOUTH America....Hell EASTER ISLAND was the best place to make a mummy movie, Writers from, "Smallville" who ruined the plot, never really gave any depth to the characters and pushed a seamlessly typically rushed (sorry, i mean forced) East meets west romance, Replace a good actress like Rachel Weitz (The reason she turned it down was because she was a mother first and she didn't want to travel to china knowing that she has to take care of her kids...just to let you know!)with a person, Maria Bello who was trying her Damn-est with a bad English accent and attempt...replace a kid for someone who could of been written into the story as Rick's younger brother instead of son, have CGI of Terra cotta soldiers that look like marionette with Big weird looking baby faces and have a climatic fight seen that can be best described by one reviewer as, "Crouching tiger on the Nile" and pretty much like a cheesy video game and the end result is a action filled mess that failed to capture my senses like the original.

The movie lasted for nearly an hour and a half, and already i felt bad for Brandon cause it really looked like he was trying his hardest to make it work; Jonathan (John Hannah) was making his wise cracks and it did hit its mark but only just a tad. Jet Li was pretty cool but i felt that his powers wasn't used to the fullest....you see unlike its predecessors where Imotep used the sand and water to its full potential, Jet Li didn't. And the fact he only had very short screen-time didn't help the status of the movie either. I felt this movie should of been straight to DVD and it probably would of still made strong sales and hold more clout but it didn't and this movie became a hype that is failing badly. But that's my opinion as a reviewer...you have to see this movie for yourself and give your point of view but i tried to let my mind go for this film i REALLY wanted to like it...but i'm sorry with a typical east meets west storyline it feel flat fast.

3/10 for very strong beginning but fell short FAST. A forced set of character development and a very pushy romantic set up; movie started and ended way too quickly and didn't have the strength and eeriness as the original mummy....and having a son that's old enough to be your brother didn't help much. And i've mentioned this in my other review...i'm getting really tired of the typical white guy saves and fall in love with Asian female set up...its getting really tired, REALLY fast. Thanks Rob for screwing up another good franchise now go back and make Fast and the furious 4: The final frontier.
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