Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the theater.
27 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably one of the worst mainstream films in history. According to sources this movie ignores the events that take place in part 3, which isn't a bad thing, but unfortunately most people want ignore want happens in this one too. We start where it all began in Amity with Chiefs Brody's wife Ellen (Gary) now the main character and one of her sons Sean (Anderson). Chief Brody has apparently passed on, but of course Ellen knows it was the shark "it was fear of it" that caused it. Could it not be the strain of the job and people never believing the man when he talked? Sean is now a cop and has to answer a call out in the harbor. Well not surprisingly, in a grisly scene Sean is killed by Jaws and naturally Ellen knows the shark had it in for him. Her other son Mike (Guest) comes up from the Bahamas, where he researches underwater snails. He convinces her to take a vacation and come on down. By the way if you think a shark has a vendetta for you why not go to the mountains instead, but no she goes to the beach. Of course the shark manages to follow her and get there before her in amazing time, also impossible. While down there she meets Hoagie (Caine) they have fun and Michel and Jake (Van Peebles) find out there are more than snails down in the ocean. They keep the shark on the dl and decide they can study it. Not surprisingly the shark eventually attacks "the banana boat" while Mike's kid is on it. Ellen knows its there for her so she takes a boat and goes out after it. Hoagie takes his plane and the others to find Ellen, lands the non oceanic plane in the water and Jaws makes his move. Don't worry Hoagie gets to the boat dry and unharmed. The climax comes with Ellen and all our main stars confronting jaws on the boat. Jake manages to put some electric toy in the shark's mouth, just before he gets chomped that is! But does he live? So Mike teases the shark with the toy's electric shocks which sends the shark jumping out of the water and roaring. Yes roaring one of the dumbest scenes in film history. Soon it comes straight for the boat. Ellen thinks fast, speeds up, (flashing back to her husband blowing up the fist shark, although she was not there) and impales the shark as it jumps out of the water killing it as it sinks to the bottom. Of course that depends what version you have seen. Take notes there are different versions.

This is a really bad movie. A total insult the first two films which I thought were great. Its no surprise the Roy Scheider turned down the role, he didn't even want to do the second. The deal was even if he had his character would have been killed right away. And of course in titles like this they kill of characters you may like, for instance Sean the youngest Brody is killed brutally right away in the film. The story may be the worst part, but that's debatable. Ellen is convinced that not only was the shark responsible for her husband's death (heart attack, oh wait it was fear), but that it's seeking revenge on her family. Does she forget the 2 sharks that her husband dispatched in the first 2 films? Then it follows her down to the Bahamas and beats her there, oh please. Wouldn't this be a good time to move away from the ocean Mrs. Brody? Adding to that the acting is terrible in the film. I'm sure Michael Caine wants to forget he ever made this film, it's just so bad. If you can manage to pay attention you may catch the part when Mike and Jake talk about the shark, even though they haven't seen it yet.

But don't forget the special effects, which are awful. The shark looks very fake. They were still using the "Bruce" mold from the other films, but this is many years later and it should have been updated and certainly not show as much as it was on screen. Upon sight of the creature you will be laughing at how bad it looks. "Bruce" the shark is rolling over in his shark pen where ever he is, like that little one in part 3. They also make the shark do laughable things, the worst being that it roars like some kind of creature from He-Man. Sharks don't have vocal cords morons. It constantly eats and chews on boats too, which looks stupid. Many times when it leaps out of the water you can see the mechanics behind what's it doing it. I mean really who put this together? There are really too many to mention, but some have to be. Hoagie after the plane crashes in the water and he climbs up on the boat and he's completely dry. You think we wouldn't see this? Also there are different versions of the film. When I was we lad and saw this I think I saw the one where they claimed Jake lived, which is crap because there is no way he would have survived. But soon talking with other kids at the time it became a war of words about he lived or died and that the shark either was impaled and sunk or blew up at the end. Its all bad…just bad. So believe me there are more than a couple versions all of which, not surprisingly, are bad. If there is a plus to the film, I would have to say the shots of the Caribbean are great, but that's not enough. Overall a bad film that has really cheapened the franchise even further, and should be an example of how not to make a film. One and half stars.
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