Naked Tango (1990)
A pleasant way to get your D'Onofrio fix
2 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As a latecomer to the Vincent D'Onofrio fan club, I have just acquired a hard to find copy of Naked Tango. After seeing stills from the movie I was prepared to see a prettified, svelte D'Onofrio-but still, to any fan, that would have to be the top recommendation. The story line should have been a nail-biter (it wasn't). It should have been erotic (even with the female nudity, S&M imagery, and attractive cast it wasn't) There were some unintentionally humorous scenes and the violence seemed cartoonish and surprisingly not that gory(a good thing)! The dance scenes were brief and incomplete. All complaining aside, the movie makes good eye candy. The costumes were lovely, the lighting and sets very moody and film noir, and the cast performed well, though the men stayed over-dressed even in the love scenes.
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