12 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
That's all this movie was and all it was about. I had heard about this movie for a long time. That it was supposed to be the most something. Can't remember what, but it was always in the back of my mind as a title I needed to see as a movie fan. But it's worthless. I watched it, sat all the way through it, and I have no idea what for.

I can't imagine why someone would want to make this film. I see no message in it. It isn't atmospheric, or pretty to look at, there isn't any decent acting and most of the time you're just watching some overly painted face tell a disgusting story. The torture scenes, if you actually put them together would amount to about 15 minutes of the film, the rest of it is these inane stories and you waiting for something to happen. Half of the "torture" happens at a distance so you can't really see what's going on anyway and the other half is people eating something they shouldn't be eating and it just makes you wonder why someone would want audiences to sit there and watch that. That's the real torture. The director was the real sadist.

I mean take the worst horror movie you've seen and the plot has got to be better than this film. Most horror movies even the bad ones have some message or moral to the story. This one is just trying to convince you that Nazis are the most disgusting people ever by showing you disgusting acts, or better yet the same disgusting act over and over. I mean I really just got aggravated because I had heard about this for so long but it was a complete waste of my time. The only people who would praise it are the type who want to seem sophisticated so they pretend to like everything as if they "get" some kind of "art" that only the best and the brightest can understand. Whatever. If you're a film fan who hasn't seen it yet, but thinks you need to, you don't. You can skip it.
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