Review of In Bruges

In Bruges (2008)
A Stroke Of Genius
20 September 2008
I rarely heap unqualified praise on a film as I can generally find something to get my claws in but not with "In Bruges". It is a masterpiece of black comedy. I loved it so much I watched it twice in seven days and could watch it again and again and still laugh.

It is one of those films where, as they say, the chemistry is perfect. Gleeson's performance is stupendous. A large brooding man with a soft interior acts as the perfect foil for Farrel's almost manic character. The script is superbly crafted and the timing of these two actors would put many a stand up comedian to shame.

I admire the director for selecting Bruges for the backdrop. How many more 'cockney gangsta' films must we see that are shot in London? He has broken the mould.

I have to admit I have no liking for Ralph Fiennes. How could anybody like a pratt that insists on being called Rafe and not Ralph? Conceit or what? Having said that his character performance is brilliant. It goes from parody to menacing and his face and accent for the role fit the bill perfectly.

I think it's going to be a long long time before I see another film of this calibre.

I would shower this film with awards and it is to be hoped the Director/Writer gets busy with some more high class entertainment.

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