Jason's infamous boat ride, but is it the worst? A comprehensive review of his field trip.
18 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Film opens on Crystal Lake (will they ever learn?) Two teens on a yacht talking about the legend of Jason, they start to make out while there boat accidentally awakens Jason again with some electricity. Jason (Hodder) quickly dispatches them, grabs the kid's hockey mask and is on his way. We meet the main characters the next day about to board a cruise ship headed for New York. Rennie (Daggett) the main character, talks about her future with her favorite teacher Miss Van Deusen (Bingham). Her uncle, the principle Mr. McCulloch (Richman), the big ass of the film starts to rag on Rennie about everything and how he is disappointed about her coming. Meantime Rennie's man Sean (Reeves) is the captain's son, who is also disappointed with the youngster about not wanting to be a boat captain, sue me dad. So Jason climbs on board and some janitor of course knows more then the others to tell them they are all doomed. Soon we meet heavy metal girl and a nerd, the nerd is a must for most of these films. The metal chick goes to jam in the lower decks and soon has a flying v in her skull. In the meantime Rennie continues to have these silly visions of some boy and fear of drowning all connected to Jason. Even sillier is McCulloch on the senior trip asking for various forms of homework while they are supposed to be partying. The slutty girl of the film gives him a short biology lesson before she is cut to ribbons. Eventually Jason goes the through the kids one by one and after throwing the nerd on some electrical stuff, which starts a fire, those who are left have to abandon ship. After finally arriving in NY some thugs kidnap Rennie, but Jason also is there and kills them. Before going after her he boxes with Julius (laughable scene) and Jason punches his head off. Rennie escapes with Sean, confronts McCulloch about almost drowning her as a kid and they run off, while McCulloch is drowned head first in some toxic waste, one of the better parts of the film I might add. Jason start's to chase them through time square, diner, sub way, and eventually the sewers. Rennie manages to throw toxic waste on Jason's face making him melt and cry like baby, hilarious. The sewer cleans out, Jason wines like baby (laughable) the water drowns Jason and when it subsides he is transformed into a kid. Makes no sense but who cares Rennie and Sean walk off into time square with her dog to live anther day.

Overall a bad film and one of the weaker ones in the franchise, however I admit that for some reason I tend to enjoy this one. One of the big problems as everyone mentions was the lack of Jason being in NY. Most people know that director Rob Hedden did not have the money to film in NY so much of the film is on a boat or in Vancouver for the city shots. And I think for the most part that works, but again Jason is there for maybe the last 20 minutes, so it's somewhat of a letdown. The acting as usual is really bad, even for a Friday film, with a few exceptions. Peter Mark Richman as McCulloch is the one who stands out. He plays the jerk of the film to perfection and his death is enjoyable. Most of the others seem to walk through their roles, Especially Scott reeves as Sean. He wines the whole time and is not believable for a second. For instance his dad is laying dead on the floor and he barley acts that upset. As for Hodder, I was never really big on him as Jason. I rather like the actor more then him as the character. But he is good in this.

The story is weak as well, with the kids on the boat most of the movie, just a few survivors make it to NY. The worst part of the story is the nonsense with Rennie having flashbacks of her drowning and supposedly Jason was dragging her down as a kid while McCulloch her uncle, watched. It never works out and I think Jason would have been an adult when she was a child. The end is stupid too with Jason being turned into a kid at the end of the film. It makes no sense and looks likes crap. And how funny is having the principle come on the trip and asking for school crap and acting like he is the boss? As always the deaths are what people talk about and there are only a few good ones in this. I think most people like when Julius, one of the better characters from the film, eventually has his head punched off. Stupid but good. Let's see, toxic waste drowning, the steam rock in the gut, the wrench, the nerd on fire, but many more were just generic because they toned the whole movie down, not Robs fault. The MPAA edited up to much so again it's not Hedden's fault so I give him a break. The movie is better then Jason Goes to Hell, which was awful. Hardcore fans will hate it, but it has 80's nostalgic feel to it and if you like that you may want to hit it up. Lets 6 out 10.
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