Pleasant and predictable
16 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad movie. But not a great one, either.

Do not look to this movie thinking it will break new ground. It is a somewhat "safe" movie (only a few scenes implying adult behavior), but the characters don't really explore much about themselves. Calvin (Steve Weber) is given a limited script and limited direction. Rather than explore the absolutely wonderful idea that you can learn what matters at Christmas by repeating your day until you "get it," Calvin is sardonic and removed.

*** SPOILER ***

Calvin does learn his lesson. He realizes he doesn't "love" his bedmate; he doesn't need to meet for business on Christmas Eve 'cause it takes him and his executive assistant away from their families; he needs to spend quality time with his son (who shuttles between Mom and Dad after a divorce); he needs to be aware of his brother and dad; and he needs to make it better with his former wife.

Not bad in theory, and not terrible in execution, but just not very fresh, witty, or interesting. I wanted to see Calvin go through a little more thought about his choices instead of being shallow and predictable. Yes, I knew that he'd learn his lesson - it's a comedy - and I knew that he'd do the right thing, and that everything would work out. But really, there was so much more to explore here.

This was a Stage One movie that could go to Stage Three just with a little more thought and intention.

Steve Weber is so much more than this movie lets him be.

Get it for the kids, watch it with the kids (cover their eyes if you don't think non-married adults naked under the covers is kid-friendly), and maybe keep it around for those long Christmas vacations when you've already watched all three sets of Lord of the Rings, Extended Editions.
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