Left for Dead (I) (2007)
It's not "Hannibal", but thank god it's not "Saw"
2 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
When I learned that this was under the genre of "Horror" I was excited; I had hoped that I'd found another of the sacred few scary movies that in fact scary and not mislabeled instead of being classified "gross" (like the Saw series). I read dozens of reviews and decided that this movie was worth a watch. Admittedly, the beginning is a bit lame (a priest out to vindicate himself from prostitutes? right...), and redundant (there must be at least five synonyms for "whore") but the flashes of scenes to emphasize the otherwise almost once-upon-a-time-opening-synopsis somewhat counteracted the poor plot and repetitiveness.

Being a Spanish-influenced movie, I thought that it was brilliant and rather tasteful for the crew to film in Argentina and with a pure Argentine cast (which most likely accounts for the abundance of Spanish, eh?). And the make-up & effects were a lot better than I expected; I have seen several movies and short films or trailers where someone is supposed to appear to not have eyes, but invariably they fail. When I first saw the ghost I was pleasantly startled: it truly and authentically seemed to me that he had merely sockets.

All-in-all, it is not a horrendous movie. It was shot in a lovely location, which also helps to balance the poor plot. After all, the setting is extremely important for a movie, and the backgrounds were both breathtaking and very fitting.
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