Deja Vu - been here done that - again.
4 January 2009
From out here in Australia on the periphery of the US empire, this musical outing showed US audiences "split" about the War in Iraq & Afghanistan. A re-run of Vietnam (been there done that) - Deja Vu indeed. Especially for my generation who opposed the war in Vietnam and now the war in Iraq and Afghanistan (and Palestine) in Burma and the Congo, in Sudan/Darfur and West Papua....all wars !

The musicians and the tour made some opening some space for dialogue to begin about ending the war bringing the troops home.

I wonder what others who have viewed the film now think with Barak Obama elected if the troops will come home, if like fellow Republican Nixon, Prez Bush will become a pariah for the rest of his life ?

Peace now and then. Viola Wilkins Melbourne Australia
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