Lost: The Little Prince (2009)
Season 5, Episode 4
Easily the best Kate centric episode to date -- another fine addition to season five.
7 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Kate episodes are the weak points of Lost. The problem with Kate is that the writers struggle making up new, fresh stories for her. It's always either regarding Jack/Sawyer(sometimes both of them), or it's about her running away from the authorities.

Last year's "Eggtown" was a good step forward, but still failed to live up to basically any other episode in the 4th season.

But finally, the ice is cracked - "The Little Prince" was one hell of an episode - my favorite of Season Five so far, and yes... it's Kate centric.

Did they "fix" Kate? Is she a good character now? No. She's still pretty mediocre as a character. While her post-island story is more interesting than her pre-island, it still falls flat. HOWEVER, what the writers did was simply go around her character. Literally feature her MUCH less than in any other Kate episodes.

This is part of the show's new direction - even though there are centrics each episode, they are not as focused as they used to be.

Let me start with the weak part of the episode. Yup, you guessed, Kate. But in small doses like this, even Kate is enjoyable, especially when paired up with post-island Jack, portrayed brilliantly by Matthew Fox. I enjoyed seeing her "maternal instincts" in action, and her meeting with Ben was priceless.

Everything else in the episode was pure gold. The Oceanic Six storyline is just as exciting as the island storyline at the moment. I enjoy Sayid, Ben and Jack working together very, very much. Can't wait for the big "return"! On the island, we had some more time shifting. Sawyer seeing Kate helping Claire to give birth was by far the most emotional moment of the season - so far. A very well done and well acted scene. I also loved Locke seeing the hatch light - very nostalgic.

The raft chase was fantastic too. Although the flashes always seem to come in convenient times, I love the dynamic it creates.

Lost episodes always have fascinating endings, and "The Little Prince" is no expectation. Two huge revelations: Jin is alive(YAY) and is saved by young Rousseau and her crew. Could this be a set up to a Rousseau centric episode? Let's hope. Unfortunately, the ending was dragged out way too long to be truly shocking, but it was still extremely satisfying.

Overall, "The Little Prince" is an extremely successful Kate episode; it had the right balance of O6/Island storyline, enjoyable amount of Kate, and some surprising reveals - what else you need? 9/10
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