Left for Dead (I) (2007)
Nothing like Albert Pyun's previous films.
10 February 2009
I remember years back as a kid the first Albert Pyun movie I saw was CYBORG, then after that I saw NEMESIS, and I enjoyed them both mainly because they looked cool, and as a kid I never really paid attention to the flaws or tried to over analyze the plot, I just liked CYBORG because I was a big Van Damme fan, and I liked NEMESIS because it was something different, and over the years every time I saw Albert Pyun's name on a film, I would immediately say that's the guy who directed CYBORG & NEMESIS, but of course, he has directed some terrible films, such as that URBAN MENACE junk and a few others that made me wonder if this actually was directed by the same guy.

LEFT FOR DEAD was the first Pyun movie I saw since TICKER, and compared to the other films I've seen before, it was nothing like any of Pyun's previous work, and I mean that in a good way, sure its no masterpiece, but it is also not the worst movie out there, I actually liked the storyline, it was very original and unfolded nicely, I'll also add that I am not a die hard fan of the spaghetti western genre so I guess its easier for me to accept it as it is, the acting was not all bad but also not all good, entertainment wise, a lot of people might find it a bit on the boring side, because it doesn't have any major action sequences or anything that will make you jump out of your seat, it is mainly focused on being more of a ghost story than anything else, other than that it has a part near the ending that is pretty gross.

I actually liked this film, and for those that consider it the worst movie you've ever seen, check out these titles, HUNTING SEASON, THE CAVERN and FIVE ACROSS THE EYES, then you'll know what's worse.
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