Review of American Flyers

Two-Hour McDonald's Commercial
11 February 2009
..o.k., a three, maybe.

Firstly, even given the age of this dog, this movie is so-o-o-o unrealistic when it comes to the subject of bike racing. Didn't anyone get it back then? I mean, no scenes of a tight peleton or any drafting. Folks taking flyers off the front with no coordinated breaks and no teamwork to speak of. Absolutely no depiction of legitimate racing tactics, no blocking, no pacelines, etc.

But the real corker was the dialog. I mean, why pay rental bucks on this one (or even TIVO it on cable) just to watch over-the-top product placement. For example, the guy gets seduced by the girl who attributes their meeting to the fact that she had to wait for a quarter pounder at Mickey D's? C'mon.

How could Rick Denman (of "Bikes, Camera, Action", who did the racing shots in Kansas) get sucked in so bad? Hollywood infects everyone! This one's off the back and dropped like a bad habit.
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