Review of 316

Lost: 316 (2009)
Season 5, Episode 6
"We're not going to Guam, are we?"
19 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
So you thought with the Oceanic 6 finally on their way back to the island the answers would start flooding through, right? Think again! "316" contains far more questions than answers, but hey, that's why we love this series! What happened to Kate and Aaron to make her so heartbroken? Who beat up Ben? Who is that (beautiful, I might add) female officer escorting Sayid to the plane and why? How were the non-believers "convinced" to board flight 316? What's going to happen with Desmond now? These and many more questions are raised, which is good news, because it increases the interest (and the expectations) for the upcoming episodes. Different from the previous episodes of the Season (there is very little time-shifting and island action in general) and calmer in pace, this also features superb acting from everyone, particularly from Matthew Fox and Evangeline Lilly, a surprising appearance by an old friend (see the summary line above), and probably the most jaw-dropping cliffhanger since "The Economist".

IMO, easily the best episode of the season so far. ***1/2 out of 4.
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