Review of Outlander

Outlander (2008)
A Predictable Drama
23 February 2009
From an interesting if not ambitious premise, this film manages some visually atmospheric scenes and grandiose scenery that is cleverly underlined by a generally superb musical score. Unfortunately however, that is where the superlatives must end.

Aside from some isolated moments of authenticity from Myles and Hurt, the acting is comprehensively wooden, the script infinitely shallow and the plot riddled with enough cringe-worthy clichés to warrant clenched teeth and wrinkled nose on more than one occasion.

Even so, this film might have escaped with a less scathing review if it wasn't for the sub-standard quality of the action and lack of overall pace.

Whether due to the expense of special effects involved or simply poor workmanship, most of the action scenes are poorly shot - often in dim or obscured surrounds not to mention bland camera work - and the approach is far more identifiable with that of a drama than what you might expect from an action genre film.

Equally, the sci-fi element is almost non-existent in that it is used to introduce us to the setting, but quickly sinks into obscurity along with the rest of the plot.

If anything, this is more a generic love-triangle story in a picturesque setting than a high paced adrenaline-laden romp through the ages.

When all is said and done there are still some fleeting moments of excitement amongst the predictability and clichés, but if you're expecting a roller-coaster ride you may want to replace your seat-belt with an uncomfortable pillow to avoid disappointment.
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