Needed Work To See Its Full Potential...*Possible Spoilers*
10 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to give you a background on what this movie is about being as you can read that much for yourself. I hate it when people do that, spend three or four paragraphs summarizing a movie when the summary is already available for the reader.

So, what I will say is that while based on actual history (which I love being a huge history buff) I only watched this movie because I am an even more die hard Adrian Paul fan.

The historical part was just icing on the cake.

Adrian Paul and Rhett Giles put in fabulous and well pulled off performances as Ananias Dare and George Howe, respectively.

However, other than nice costumes, a semi believable setting and a good performance by Michael T. (for some reason the comment form is auto correcting the correct spelling of his last name and making it "The") as Manteo, that is where the good ends and the mediocre take over.

Producers can't expect two people (Paul and Giles) to pull off an entire movie for them...which was what it seemed was happening.

I also have to take issue with conveniently forgetting history. Allow me a small tangent.

Now, while I do love history and movies made about historical subjects, and do allow leeway on the facts if the movie is strong enough to support it, I have to sadly say that this movie was not strong enough on its own merit to leave out such an important part of history.

Women were NOT outspoken in the 1580's (and certainly not in England, whether they'd just arrived in America or not) and so Frida Snow's character of Eleanor Dare was completely and utterly unbelievable.

For *that* time, she was far too outspoken about her feelings on their situation and Ananias, no matter how much he loved his wife and wanted to impress her father, doubtfully would have tolerated her questioning his decisions.

Nitpicky, I know, but that is the danger of making a movie based loosely on historical fact, but then picking and choosing what facts you stick to.

Women were little more than a husband's property back in those days (good for breeding, cleaning house, tending children and cooking) and though I would not have wanted to see a movie filled with male chauvinism, what I would have preferred to see would have been a more realistic exchange of words and more developed dialogue from Ananias and then between the two Dare's.

Oh and before anyone gets all bent out of shape...I'm a woman and have studied history enough to know that whimpering men wanting to placate a wife, especially in a new country filled with promise but also danger, is not realistic.

I'm simply saying that while some parts of this movie were good, there was far too much drama and not enough expanding on what could have been done with a good storyline of families in a new world and the problems and promise and ultimately the fate that befell them all, to make it any more than overall...mediocre.
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