Review of Merlin

Merlin (2008– )
Moronic twaddle
10 May 2009
To my mind, no-one has yet made a screen version of the Arthurian legends that really does them justice, and there's certainly been nothing that can compare even to modern literary interpretations like Mary Stewart's Merlin novels ('The Crystal Cave' and 'The Hollow Hills'). The best so far IMO was the recent Hallmark miniseries 'Merlin' with Sam Neill, which came closer than most, though it still left something to be desired. However it comes off looking like Shakespeare by comparison with the BBC's putrid confection. Despite the glossy production values, high-end SFX, spunky young leads and a solid supporting cast of British veterans, this laughable tripe is clearly aimed at the teeny Harry Potter market and is obviously cast in the same mould as the Beeb's equally execrable mauling of "Robin Hood".

If you're looking mindless sword-and-sorcery escapism, you'll probably have fun, but if not, be warned -- the connections to the Arthurian canon are very tenuous, to say the least. Don't expect *any* attempt at a faithful rendering of the original tales, or any attempt at veracity, either mythological or historical; this is basically about as "honest" a re-telling as the Hollywood Technicolor epics of the Fifties.

The basic premise is idiotic, but the real problem is the sudsy script, which gives the term "pedestrian" a whole new meaning -- think "Eastenders" in armour. It lacks intelligence, wit, depth, drama, tension or mystery, and the attempts at 'comedy' are puerile. If you have any love for the Arthurian legends you'll avoid this gift-wrapped turd at all costs.
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