Thriller: The Terror in Teakwood (1961)
Season 1, Episode 33
The Terror in the teakwood box
13 May 2009
William Castle's 1961 shocker "Mr. Sardonicus" would feature two actors in this horrifying episode, Guy Rolfe and Vladimir Sokoloff (who died in 1962). Beautiful Hazel Court stars as Leonie, wife of master pianist Vladimir Vicek (Rolfe), who fears for her husband's life and asks help from an old friend (Charles Aidman, previously seen in "Knock Three-One-Two"). What neither of them know is that Vicek was so obsessive about the abilities of a rival composer that he desecrated the man's grave and is now being blackmailed by the caretaker (Reggie Nalder) who witnessed the act. Sokoloff would reappear in "Flowers of Evil," while the always memorable Reggie Nalder would play the title role in "The Return of Andrew Bentley." Linda Watkins previously did "The Cheaters," and would go on to do "A Wig for Miss Devore." Hazel Court retired in 1965 and died in 2008.
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