"Let Me Die Quietly" review
21 July 2009
This movie left me stunned in my seat for about 5 minutes. Perhaps because I saw this last week sandwiched between the usual festival fare, bigger-budget Hollywood independent films, and muddled low budgets. I must say "Let Me Die Quietly," really stood out. It is a gem of a find and it packs quite a visceral punch to the gut. It is moody, haunting, and in places quite riveting. "An affair between two mediums trying to stop a murder." A quick synopsis doesn't do it justice. I won't describe it any further. I'd probably make it sound like a cross between television's "The Ghost Whisperer" and "Medium." But if you are looking for the standard formula thriller you best look elsewhere. From the opening shots the atmosphere of this movie and the storyline draw you into a weird and unsettling world of death, sex, religion and betrayal. Nothing is what it seems. Danger lurks around every corner and menace creeps in between every line. The actors play their parts to perfection. There are no unusual setups, no long tracking shots, no movie-making tricks. It almost has a hidden camera feel. In fact you forget they are acting and feel they are simply following out an inevitable destiny--and they take you along for a chilling ride. These characters seduce you, repel you, enthrall you. The story will stay with you for days. It's one of those movies you want to see more than once. I strongly recommend it.
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