Far Too Many Plot Holes
9 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, this film had its creepy bits, but the acting was stiff on occasion, and since this was so prevalent, that was the director's fault for not bringing out the best in the actors.

All in all, the movie didn't add up to much because of plot holes and an ending you could see coming from the beginning. This meant there were no real surprises, which delivered a ho- hum ending.

This was a truly bad movie. I gave two stars for concept and a couple of scares. Otherwise, it's not even worth a rental - unless you like bad and thoughtless story lines.

*Spoilers Below*

Although a good concept, the movie gives itself away at the twenty minute mark when we meet Mary Young, a twenty-year-old Christian extremist who was asked by the home's owner to join the investigative team. No one expects her, yet none of the team calls in to check if this is true. Stupid. Furthermore, and most significantly, since the murders occurred twenty years before, and since it was never mentioned that a drowned baby was found floating in the tub, it is immediately obvious the Mary and the baby are one and the same.

The murders are supposedly well documented. If so, then how come Miranda was never mentioned by anyone? This is completely ludicrous since Mrs. Masterson didn't clean up the crime scene and did not have time to hide a body. This plot hole sank the entire film and was completely nonsensical.

Furthermore, if the Masterson's had repeatedly raped, tortured and ultimately murdered her mother, and tried to her as a baby, what is the logic for Mary to return and defend the family? Made no sense, especially when the investigative team was out to uncover the truth, which would have exposed the Mastersons for the beasts they were.
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