Review of Mine

True Blood: Mine (2008)
Season 1, Episode 3
You know what I really wish would come to Marthaville? Huh? Buffy. Or Blade...
20 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It was funny to see the reactions of the three lame vampires, when Sookie informed them that she was immune to their attempts to 'glamour' her. I felt sorry for Sookie being surrounded by those three, and thought that Bill was a bit of a jerk for letting their almost-biting-her go as far as it did. Thankfully, he stepped in and saved her (and I didn't take his "Sookie is mine!" to mean that he literally thinks of her as an 'object' which he 'owns', I just think he was saving her life the best way he knew how). I liked how Sookie saved Bill by warning him that the human he was about to bite had Hepatitis D. I also liked how he returned the favour by telling her (with his eyes) to remain quiet when the vampires were going to find out how she read the human's mind. Sookie's reaction to Bill having dated one of the vampires was amusing.

The scene where Dawn returned home, expecting to find Jason where she left him last episode, then got attacked by a masked intruder was extremely disturbing, but also very well-acted by Lynn Collins. Her reactions (to him telling her that he was going to rape her, then learning that he'd apparently killed Jason) were very well-performed. Then when Jason took the mask off and revealed his fool self to her - I absolutely wanted her to slap him. Although she didn't, and seemingly got over Jason's sick prank rather fast, it was made up for in their next scene.

Also well-acted was the scene with Sookie in her car, trying to hold it together after having driven home from Bill's. It was interesting to hear them discuss the inner workings of a vampire. It's just a shame that it led to them having a fight. Sookie and Bill *both* had valid points, though.

The second scene with Jason and Dawn was great. After the way he treated her, who could blame Dawn for what she did next? His laughing at her and nonchalantly flossing, after she told him to leave, made Dawn's actions all the more awesome. She had several great lines in this scene alone. From her amusingly yelling "To get a cigarette!" (after he asks her where she's going) and "God, just because you lost your hard-on doesn't mean you have to have a f@#king meltdown. Believe it or not, the world does not revolve around your d!ck." to her returning with a gun and informing him "You do not own me, Jason Stackhouse. And if I want you out of my house, you better get your sorry ass out of here." - then doing the most kick-ass thing ever and actually *firing* the gun when Jason was dismissing her/acting all blasé about it. "You are obnoxious and full of yourself and dumber than a box of hair." has got to be my favourite line of Dawn's EVER, and one of my favourite lines from the show so far - mostly because...truer words have never been spoken. Her "I don't think I feel like waiting." and firing the gun again, telling him once more to get out, just added to Dawn's already-established awesomeness. It was gratifying to see Jason stumbling out in a hurry, his jeans around his ankles, panicked. There was some more good lines from Dawn after this, but you get the gist.

Nothing in the episode could come close to the greatness of that^ scene, but there were some other good moments. Such as Sookie's dream about Bill (and her waking to find her cat, Tina, watching what she was doing - with her hand under the covers - and telling her to "Stop that!"). Sam making growling and woofing/yipping noises in his sleep. The scene with Sam and his collie, with Sam wishing that "Buffy or Blade or any one of those badass vampire killers" would come to town to take care of Bill Compton. As much as I like Bill, and am not on-board with Sam's wanting Bill gone, I have to admit I loved the use of those references. I also like the fact that Sam actually plays with his dog and treats him well (unlike certain other characters who have dogs on other shows. Yes, I mean YOU, Clark Kent! You neglectful bastard!). All of Sookie's scenes with Adele were good too.

The ending of this episode, while being very well done, was also pretty sad. I mean...Dawn! How could they?! You were the best!! And for that, apparently, you had to die. It's a damn shame, and she is indeed missed after this episode. Although, I have to say, Anna Paquin's acting in the scene was excellent. The way she had that slight delayed reaction to seeing dead Dawn, before screaming her head off? Anna can really scream like nobody else.
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