Review of Applause

Applause (2009)
Recycling the dogma
21 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
So this is not another dogma-movie, but why oh why do Danish movie makers insist on the hand held camera and the grainy pictures? Does this make it more believable, do we Do reality look anything like that? Another brain fart, another artsy movie without any substance whatsoever. Only intention is trying to be high culture. And that obviously can be achieved only by emulating better and older movies that did the hand held thing first. There may have been a point to this sheet initially, but boy am I tired of the lack of imagination. Right now I'm willing to watch any crap Danish movie if the pictures are in focus. I'm terribly sorry, but making the world look like I've forgotten my contacts do not make it art! Especially not after having watched the bloody style for 15 years now.

So now for the movie itself. A story about a theater diva on a downward spiral fueled by alcohol. In itself a quite appealing setup. The main character, Stella, is supposed to be sexy, charming, troubled, exotic. Steen does not however make us believe it. It's obvious she herself wants to be all of the above, but it comes out pathetic. Overacting, ridiculous screaming and she can't seem to leave her one comic trademark behind either.

As for the story it's supposed to be depressing and dark, but nobody has the courage to make it so. It turns out rather bland instead. Does she end up murdering her children? The suspense is killing me! Well she doesn't and I don't care.

The actors do fine work for the most part, Michael Falch, even the the children, but perpetual overacting from this unfunny comedienne turned serious actor is embarrassing to say the least.

The movie is rather short though. It felt long, but wasn't. The only positive I can think of! Come on Denmark. Shake the beast that is Lars Trier and dogma movies and reinvent yourself. Because this current tendency makes me sad!
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