Review of Spike

Spike (2008)
An absolute terrible film
6 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had the unfortunate experience of having to sit through the agonizingly horrible film "Spike" at Shriekfest in LA.I am not your stereotypical "Horror" film fan, so make no mistake, that my disliking of this film, isn't that it's story or ideas where simply over my head, or not what i was expecting from a horror film. This film never delivers anything interesting or redeeming in the least.Spike's script is awful, as if written by someone who has never read a good story, or seen a good film.To equate this film to anything other than a fumbling, nonsense bore-fest,is to give way too much credit to the film maker, and is a serious case of "The Emperor isn't wearing any clothes".Laughable highlights of lame lesbian make-out sessions,forced Gratuitous female nudity,characters behaving in totally unbelievable actions, mediocre photography, bad editing, agonizingly slow action and pointless characters in the film like the injured boyfriend, make this films 82 minutes seem like an eternity.
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