Blue State (2007)
If You Can't Beat 'Em, Whine About 'Em.
13 October 2009
A bland self indulgent vanity project for Marshall Lewy, I guess. Watching this movie my mind quickly begin to drift to why is it when some liberals don't get their guy, or girl, in office they throw a tantrum and threaten to "leave the country." Many of the Hollywood liberal limousine elite seem to do this with a sickening fanfare and right on cue, never follow through on it. God forbid they go somewhere where they cannot make millions of dollars being insecure unchecked narcissists. Conservatives, by contrast, when they lose an election, get mad, dig in, and vow to make a change next time; stay tuned for that in the coming days, by the way. But getting back to this movie; a "comedy?" Where? When? If I want to laugh at a generous dose of unknowns with a low budget on bleak locations playing silly Canadian stereotypes, I'll go watch my old VHS copy of Strange Brew again. Hey, good idea.
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