Mariage mixte (2004)
A very slight French comedy
18 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very slight French comedy about a man who does not want his daughter to marry outside of her religion. There are subplots but nothing substantial to distract from this main conflict. Finally, the main character, a successful casino owner named Max, agrees to accept a son-in-law who is not Jewish.

The father of the groom is not exactly happy about the marriage either but he is willing to accept Jewish in-laws. The groom's family are blue bloods with heaps of 'old money' but they are also relaxed about changing times. The film has Parisian scenery for those viewers who simply love French movies for that scenery. The château of the groom's family provides more eye-candy for the Francophile.

A forgettable film but pleasant enough for sharpening French language skills.
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