The life of a gypsy family in Finland
22 October 2009
I saw this documentary and translated the subtitles for the ASTRA Film festival in Sibiu 2008. While translating I said to myself "Not another movie about gypsies" and expected the screening with not too much enthusiasm. But...it turned out to be more than wonderful short documentary about the life of a gypsy family in Finland.

Of course, there are numerous problems arising form the clash of cultures. While son Benja tries to break free from the "Gipsyness" and be his own master, free of cultural taboos, and Mirella, the troubled teenage daughter struggles to find a job and a direction in life, mother Inga is left alone to keep her family together, to talk some sense into Benja and reach Mirella in her stubbornness and fake toughness. But even more, the film is about the parent-child relationship, about family ties, cultural and social responsibility. I found it moving and "sweet".
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