Review of Suzuka

Suzuka (2005–2006)
Good show, Great manga
28 October 2009
I give this show a 10/10 because it needs a higher rating than it has. Suzuka while nothing special as an anime, has potentially the best most stunning stories of is genre.

If your interested in the series like I was start by watching the anime. It doesn't have "outstanding" animation or the best voice work, but it'll give you a quick well inspired entrance to the story.

After I finished watching the show I felt let down. It didn't tell me anything that happened afterward! So I read the manga and found myself reading all 166 chapters in 2 days. It had more character development, more story, more insight fullness, and generally more heart than the anime (however after watching the somewhat short anime I got to imagine the way the characters spoke more naturally which helped a lot.). I read through the manga and found myself wanting more and more! I began reading and watching stories similar but, nothing compares to Suzuka in its realism and honesty.

While in the beginning Asahina Suzuka seems like a cold unlovable person in the beginning part of the wonder was watching her slowly open up to everyone and begin to accept herself, her life, and the imperfection of the world around her. This series was by far the best I've seen/read. I've read and watched Love Hina, Ichigo 100%, Ai Ori Ayoshi and many more but I found myself simply comparing them to Suzuka.

Without a doubt I recommend this show to ANYONE who wants to seriously read the manga all the way through. If you don't feel like watching 26 episodes of it. Find where you would be in the manga and keep reading. This story WILL have something you can learn from somewhere in it.

anime: story = 10/10 characters = 10/10 animation = 7/10 originality = (beginning = 2/10, later = 10/10) music = 10/10 voice work = 8/10

overall = 8/10 (Sorry but I found the animation to be awkward at times.)

Manga: Story = 12/10 (the story was outstanding) characters = 10/10 artwork = 10/10 originality = (beginning = 2/10, around chapter 12 = 10/10) ending = 10/10 (though I still want more ._.)

overall: 11/10 (AMAZING, Any teenager in a relationship go read this NOW)
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