Invasion (2005–2006)
Why would you do that???
4 November 2009
There are very few shows that are as complex and thrilling as invasion. Somehow i entirely missed this shows television life, noticing it on the shelf of a local pawn shop i picked it up thinking, "meh... something to watch when I'm board" little did i know i would have the entire series done in the next two days. Overall i thought the show was perfect it isn't just a sci-fi about an alien invasion, it's more than that there are so many contributing factors to the story line. ANyways my point is invasion is a unique gem that should never have been cancelled. The show was just going in such a good direction and the note they leave us on is unfair..... This show needs to come back to at least conclude the story, i mean like come on i know for a fact there are a million angry fans out there. Someone should definitely write the producers of this show because i don't know how much longer i can go with out the answers...... PLEASE JUST FINNISH THE SHOW!!!! even with a different cast as long as you kept Tom, Mirial, Russel and Larkin... it just doesn't make sense to have such a unique and powerfully interesting plot and not conclude it. PLEASE SOMEBODY
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