The Thick of It (2005–2012)
29 November 2009
I am mortified that I have only just picked up on this wonderful series in the past 6 weeks!! I had read that it was good but felt I couldn't commit to another "must watch" TV series. However against my better judgement I recorded one programme to see what all the fuss was about. I was totally blown away by the whole thing. I never really rated Peter Capaldi before this but the guy is a genius!! His intimidating, foul-mouthed character is some creation!! Whether it is him or Ianucci that is responsible, I do not know, but the end result is pure gold. Of course lots of viewers are going to find the bad language hard to get past but it really is worth it. I am rarely shocked by bad language but it shocked me - at first I found it gratuitous and almost switched off. However when you get into it the language seems (for the characters) just right and very funny. Who knows if this is the way that the people behind the scenes speak but it works. I actually know someone involved in politics on the Tory side (not my preference) and can believe in the Thick of It characters totally. I am addicted top it already and am about to get the series I have missed on DVD. Brilliant is not the word for it. People who berate the camera-work need to get a life. It is not my favourite style either but it works for this. If you have not seen it make a point of getting it immediately!!
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