Supernatural: In the Beginning (2008)
Season 4, Episode 3
Great writing and performances make this a standout!
12 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In a show that has some of the best writing on the tube and a cast of regulars and guest stars that really give it their all, "In the Beginning", wonderfully penned by Jeremy Carver, is a landmark episode in more ways than one. Giving an "explanation" as to how the infamous "yellow-eyed demon" entered the lives of the Winchester family is brilliantly done in this installment whereby Dean (Jensen Ackles) is transported by Castiel the angel (Mischa Collins) to 1973, meeting his parents and grandparents-to-be.

Mitch Pileggi, the X-File's Agent Skinner, is outstanding as the Samuel the grandfather, who features prominently in the machinations of the demon. Pleggi is allowed to be both loving, compassionate, sinister, and frightening as his character undergoes a malevolent transformation. His acting is Emmy-worthy and it's a shame that his performance went unnoticed by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

"In the Beginning" should be in the "top ten list" of every "Supernatural" fan.
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