South Park: Major Boobage (2008)
Season 12, Episode 3
Rockin' tits and heavy metal! Best of Season 12!
30 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I remember that in the DVD commentary track for the first Imaginationland episode Trey and Matt say that they decided to sort of answer with a real sort of satire and parody to all of those that were saying that the recent South Park episodes were only based on scatological humor and stuff. Certainly the answer of the South Park guys was amazing (for me that trilogy is the very best of South Park from 2007)... however those previous episodes, those with scatological humor (More Crap and Le Petit Tourette) were for me amazing too.

The R4 DVD set I got of Season 12 doesn't contain the mini commentaries of Trey Matt (although the box clearly indicates the contrary! Bastards!), but I easily imagine Trey and Matt saying in the commentary for Major Boobage something similar to the stuff they said in the commentary for that Imaginationland episode. I mean, I wouldn't be a surprise at all to hear Trey and Matt saying that they felt the need to do something extraordinary after all the critics they got for the previous episode (Britney's New Look). And just like with Imaginationland, here with Major Boobage we have an amazing answer (and the very best of the season) but for me this time those critics were just about correct, I mean More Crap and Le Petit Tourette were amazing but Britney's New Look...

Anyway, after finally seeing the entire Season 12 (by seeing last night Over Logging, Super Fun Time and The China Problem I finished another South Park season!) I can report Major Boobage is by far the best episode of 2008, but not only now since it's now definitely an all- time favourite of mine. It's in the vein of, and as fantastic as, Good Times With Weapons and Make Love Not Warcraft. It's in the vein of those episodes because it features a completely different style based on something many can relate to (this time is the movie HEAVY METAL) and it is nothing but a home run in that regard.

But if in Good Times With Weapons we have the anime-like animation and music theme because the kids were playing ninjas, here there must be a reason of why we have the same animation style of HEAVY METAL and the same music. So, why? Well, it's just cheesing time! There's a new drug craze, lots of kids are getting high with cat urine! A much easier and cheaper way but that soon will be also illegal. The HEAVY METAL scenes are simply amazing (and hilarious!) but not only for us but also for Kenny (and Gerald! All the stuff with Kyle's dad is great, from the Fox News report about cheesing to his final confrontation with Kenny!), we understand why he insists to destroy his life! Rockin' tits and heavy metal! For moments I felt I was seeing a new South Park movie, I mean the storytelling here is extraordinary, with each subplot working perfectly. You'll be worried about Kenny (damn, that scene with Kenny totally high, just after we first listen to Sammy Hagar's "Heavy Metal", is really f***** up), about Cartman and his cats (this subplot is fantastic, is the one that felt for me like a South Park movie. The whole "and you don't see any parallel between that and anything else in history " thing: priceless!), and you'll laugh, hell this is just pure awesomeness... and call it heavy metal!

PS - thankfully the bonus features "Behind the Scenes of Major Boobage" and "Six Days to South Park" were included in the R4 set. There are 4 parts of "Behind the Scenes of Major Boobage", certainly all of them showing how the HEAVY METAL sequences of the show were made. Eric Stough and Adrien Beard reveal the details and we can see the comparison pieces between the storyboards and stuff and the final result. The fourth part, titled "Kenny's Hot Chick", contains a commentary of Trey and Matt. They say some interesting stuff, certainly just like Stough and Beard. And some fun stuff: they all remembered HEAVY METAL but when they actually watched it again, so they could follow the plot lines, and realized that nothing happens! "It's a really bad, bad movie", says Trey but Matt adds that "but we weren't high either, and it wasn't 1981".
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