I will always remember this as the worst movie I have ever seen!
3 January 2010
First off, I would like to start by saying that this movie deeply upset me, but not in a way where i thought it was emotionally poignant. No, this movie deeply upset me because I cannot believe that someone "Randy Scooter Lammey" thought that this piece of garbage would ever make a living soul laugh. You know what? I did laugh. I laughed at the fact that we were suppose to relate to a bunch of college guys, who thought that having five inch penises was something to brag about! How is that cool????!!! Oh and I'm suppose to relate to the character of Matt, a 25 year old player who in real life is actually 42? Oh and you know how every great comedy has that one fat guy who people always remember? Yeah well, in Kicking the Dog we are presented with two fat depressing failures who by volunteering to be in this movie have destroyed any possible chance to ever converse or interact with a woman. Their logic in this movie and existence in real life is unacceptable and and as a nation we need to castrate these two kids for walking off that set thinking they were ever remotely cool. I can seriously right a novel about why this movie should be lynched, if it was ever possible, but I don't think this movie is worth another second of my time.
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