Nicely made ,with excellent acting. The Safety Of Objects ,unfourantley fails to be that engaging ,on many levels.
6 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Safety Of Objects tries so hard to get it's point across,it started to become annoying after a bit. Half of the characters in this film,are so selfish,I couldn't relate to any of them,in fact the only one,was Glenn Close's,and even she was somewhat selfish. All of the characters in this movie,either have something tragic happened to them,or they are having,relationship problems,and they all connect to each other at one point,or another. I'll go over the stories.

Glenn Close-Esther. Loses her son to a coma,in a ghastly accident. Grief stricken over the loss, she's not herself,and tries to please her daughter as much as possible. At times I felt for her,she was a good mom,and god knows,plenty of mothers would act that way,and rightfully so. It's just,she came across,as a bit cold,during her conversations with her son in the coma. She gives the best performance in the film,by far though,she is often a revelation.

Dermot Mulroney-Jim. Thinks his wife may be cheating on him,while stressing out,over not getting the promotion,he had yearned for. Dermot is not a favorite of mine, i'll get that out in the open, right now. Dermot though, gives a solid show here. We feel for him,as the family man.

Patricia Clarkson-Annette. Has a pair of troubled daughters. One is mentally troubled,while the other,is a 12 year old smoker,who looks very much like a young boy,while having an ex husband,who is rarely around. It's also revealed,she's had a romance with Paul, the coma victim. Patricia is an excellent actress,and here is no different. I would rank her 3rd,as the most sympathetic. She tried hard as the mother,and I often felt for her,but the film didn't give me much reason, to care for her.

Joshua Jackson-Paul is the victim of an unfortunate car accident,who ends up in a bad coma. His performance is nothing to brag about, to be honest. He spends a good portion of the film,in a coma,he's only shown,in flashback scenes.

Timothy Olyphant-Randy. Is the friend of Paul,who lost somebody,in the tragic accident,who can't seem to get over it. Timothy is a very underrated actor, at times. Here he puts on a very good show. His scenes with Kristen ,are very well done.

Jessica Campbell-Julie. Is the sexually frustrated daughter,who has relationship troubles, with her mom. She gave a pretty good performance,but I found her character to be very unsympathetic,until the end.

Mary Kay Place-Helen. Is a health obsessed woman,with deep problems. Her performance,could've been over the top, thankfully she did pretty well, for the most part.

Kristen Stewart-Sam. Is 12 year old smoker,who looks like a boy. At 12 years old, Kristen shows a remarkable amount of poise, and talent. We feel for her in the situation.

Alex House-Jake. Is obsessed with a doll. He managed to do quite well for his age, I was pleasantly surprised.

Bottom Line. Safety Of Objects, is a curious misfire. It's certainly interesting at points, but it's much too depressing, and soap Operaish too work fully. It has too many unsympathetic characters,to be fully effective. Worth a look, but don't get yourself hyped up over it.

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