Review of The Cloud

Star Trek: Voyager: The Cloud (1995)
Season 1, Episode 5
Overall, not what a captain would do.
19 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of Voyager. I just signed up for NETFLIX, and I will watch the whole series, star to finish.


Voyager see a cloud, and goes to investigate. I understand that, to EXPLORE. It's human nature. But at some point, military training MUST take over. After all, it'a captains' DUTY to protect his or her ship. Voyager enters the 'cloud' and gets trapped, and blasts it's way out. 14 crewmen hurt. The 'cloud' is a living thing, and hurt by the Voyager entering it.

So what's JANEWAY going to do? Goes back in to HEAL the 'cloud'.

First of all, I don't think any captain would risk casualties, or the whole ship, to heal the 'cloud'.

Second, in TOS, there was always another opinion (Balance of Terror, for example), where Capt'n Kirk would ask for other view, like any good commander.

I'm sure if Capt'n Janeway asked for thoughts about going back into the 'cloud' someone would have said "You nuts for risking the ship".

Like the Dodo bird, Janeway should have sailed off, and not worried about the 'cloud'.
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