Supernatural: The Song Remains the Same (2010)
Season 5, Episode 13
She's my cherry pie, cool drink of water, such a sweet surprise, tastes so good, make a grown man cry, sweet cherry pie...
4 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Thankyou for that wonderful dream sequence, Dean. It was fun being inside your head for a little while. I was happy to see Anna again (I know others weren't). Had been wondering what happened to her after Castiel's heavies carried her off. Nice to see Dean interacting with her (given their last encounter).

What is this, like, the 10th time now that we've heard the words "Sam Winchester must die." on this show? How lovely, Anna (talking about scattering Sam's cells across the universe). At least she called out Castiel on the Anything-Killing Gun's lack of usefulness and his non-progression in finding God. "Sam is my friend." - aw. Heh, nice Grease poster in 1978. Castiel not understanding Dean's references is an okay joke (when used sparingly). Twice within the same scene, however, was close to overkill. Sam got a good line with "I mean, the moustaches *alone*..." and Dean with "He's tough for a little nerdy dude with wings." (in reference to Castiel).

Was great seeing Young Mary and Young John (and the actors who played them from 'in The Beginning') again. I liked that they had Young Mary remember Dean from the previous time she'd met him. I guess it's feasible that Young John wouldn't remember Dean, since they only had that very brief encounter (when he encouraged John to buy the Impala). Some good pained expressions from Jared as Sam upon seeing his young parents (especially when shaking John's hand and looking at Mary. Though I could understand his look freaking Mary out). Enjoyed Dean's awkward "means that in a non-weird wholesome family kind of way" explanation for Sam's "You're so beautiful." comment to Mary. Wait...Mary's dad died from a heart attack? I thought he died from being knifed by Azazel when possessed by him? Good continuity with Anna on the phone to John (remembering that angels can mimic voices). While I found it odd that John would leave without telling Mary, I guess he didn't want to arouse suspicion (since he was obviously trying to keep the fact that he was on the verge of losing his job a secret from her).

More continuity with Season 4 (eyes burned out of the skull of the guy who'd obviously seen Anna's true form). ENOUGH with the tossing away the person you want to kill move! Come on, Anna! You wanted to kill John, just break his damn neck like Azazel did (quick and effective). Liked seeing Mary vs. Anna. Anna's the least efficient killer angel ever. All she had to do was twist the Angel-Killing Sword on Mary (I'm sure it'd be just as effective at killing humans). Good on Mary, however, for the crowbar move. How did Anna not see Sam standing there with his symbol for sending angels to the outfield until the last minute? Loved John's reaction to discovering the truth about Mary ("Monsters are real? And you FIGHT them?"). His "Not another word, or so help me, I will turn this car around!" threat was pretty amusing. Awkward family road trip indeed.

Even Young John acted like a jerk towards Dean (guess he's like that no matter what age he is). Though I can understand his anger/frustration at how they were treating him. Oh, the irony of Young John calling Sam's dad an "irresponsible bastard". I really liked this scene between him and Sam, with Sam getting to say all the things he'd wanted to say to his dad. And another really good scene between Dean and Mary. Both actors did fine work in the scene where he explains everything. The emotions she went through, when taking all of it in, were clear/well-acted. Quit shoving away the people you wanna kill, Anna! Geez! Stabbing Sam was actually unexpected. Okay, THAT was one nasty death for Anna at the hands of Michael (in John's body). I'm sure all the Anna haters cheered (great introduction to Michael, though). Now you can go back to playing Vincent Kartheiser's secretary on Mad Men, Julie McNiven. At least they appreciate you on that show.

Great scene between Michael and Dean (and nice that they fixed up any continuity errors by having him erase Mary and John's memory). Matt Cohen had been good as Young John, but he did a *really* good job as Michael.

Castiel's "I'm very surprised." reaction to making it back to the present amused me. Thankyou, show, for giving us the origin to Mary's whole "Angels are watching over you." message to Dean. Amy Gumenick continued to impress in the role of Young Mary Winchester (she fits the role perfectly, just as Samantha Smith fits the role of Adult Mary perfectly). While this episode wasn't quite 'In The Beginning', it came pretty damn close. Well done, writers.
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