Cherry 2000 (1987)
Strange movie of the future.
2 March 2010
This movie has a most excellent device that if it were to be invented would most likely cause the demise of the human race. Yes, the female sex robot. You just know guys would happily forgo real women for the super sex starved droid that can not have children, does not have that time of month, and is always in the mood. Granted it can only make you a burger and fries for dinner, but that is more than most women know how to do these days anyway. They could probably make a male version for females, but their heads would probably explode because no matter how hard you try to program it to act perfectly, it will still somehow set a woman off by making her mad, or by making her cry the robot would then just short circuit because no matter what it tries it fails. Yes, this is going to get me into a lot of trouble if my girlfriend ever reads this, but my sense of humor is very strange and I am getting a good chuckle. Well on to the rest of the movie. Man and his robot chick start having sex and water gets into the droid and it short circuits. Kind of a flaw right there as you would think they could make these things waterproof. Well he finds out it is impossible to fix and the dealer tries to sell him a newer model, but our hero will not have none of that as he is sort of in love with his bot and so off he goes to a bizarre forbidden zone to find another Cherry 2000 (the name of the particular model of bot he covets). He gets some help from a very attractive Melanie Griffon character and there is a cool scene with a car and a tunnel of water and then our hero gets captured by this weird group in the desert/forbidden zone place. He gets help from a lady he knows, but the main guy in this place is a tad insane, though actually somewhat friendly too. The movie is kind of all over the place because at times it is seemingly trying to be a comedy and at other times a Mad Max type adventure. So not perfect at all and not great, but it passes the time.
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