A Simple Plan (1998)
Sam Raimi is the best!!!
1 May 2010
The film first caught my eye a few years ago and I had really wanted to get it then but couldn't find it anywhere. Seriously! The title alone mystified me and after reading what the film was about I was greatly intrigued by this film. One of the reasons why this captivated me was because the title, "a simple plan", had a sense of sarcasm stuck to it. It should have read "not a simple plan". Only a genius like Sam Raimi can do something like that to make you love the movie before you have seen it. He has created blockbusters like The Spider-man Trilogy, The Evil Dead Trilogy, Darkman, and Drag Me To Hell, and I have to say that A Simple Plan tops that list in an instance. I had high hopes for this film but not too high and I was surprised to see this movie wrap around me like a warm, bloody blanket. Sam has done a great job and why isn't this on the IMDb top 250 list! It should be on there!!! The cast is perfectly chosen because it contains actors who have a lot of talent to give to this film and who also are quite famous so you can say, "Hey, I know that guy...and that guy too. Matter of fact, I know them all!". The depiction of innocent Hank to not so Innocent Hank is portrayed with great execution by Bill Paxton. He plays his role smartly, seriously, and enthusiastically, couldn't say that in the movie though. Jacob is Hank's older brother and his life isn't as great as his brothers. I guess, you could call him a loser! And do you know who plays him? Yep, you're right, Billy Bob Thornton is the appropriate choice for the portrayal of Jacob. This role should have helped him for Bad Santa. Life is the same, personality ain't. Bridget Fonda plays, at first, a charming pregnant lady who is the wife of Hank. Things are going well, until the money rolls in and from then on she becomes a great tactician on how to hide the money and keep it safe. She is deceiving and her intentions become clearer on how to use the money at the end. In my opinion, I consider her act the finest and tastiest. There have been a lot of questions on which one is better: The novel or The film. I haven't read the novel, nor plan to, but whatever anything originates from is not as good as the original. That is my saying. The motion picture will sound lame to you at first but, hey, looks can be deceiving. To me it seemed like an drama that moves slowly and boringly but , in fact, this picture is quite the opposite. The first few minutes are slow but from then on a trail of murder, deception, and cover ups lie in the way for Hank and his brother. The first murder scene was unexpected and it shocked me but then when the second murder scene came on, I knew from then on that this was the beginning of a long and murderous task.

(minor spoilers)It all starts when Hank, his brother Jacob, and Jacob's friend, Lou, are driving when a fox run in front of their car and later, their dog follow the fox. The trio discover an abandoned, crashed plane, that, mysteriously, has four million dollars in cash in it. The bunch decide on keeping the money if no one claims it by Spring break and they have to let Hank Keep it, considering that Hank can be the only one trusted. Hank shows the money to his wife Sarah and, at first, she doesn't want to keep it but, eventually, realizes on how the money can make their lives better. To seem like that no one has stolen the money, she asks Hank to return five hundred thousand dollars back, and he happily does. A nosy farmer on his ski disturbs things and they kill him. This is the first of their murders and the rest have to follow. The ending will be one of the best in a long time because it doesn't contain one twist but instead three. How about it folks? (spoiler end)

The murders are brilliantly planned as they hit you in the face with a sick churn. They are sickening and very shocking. The deaths and blood do not terrify me but instead on saying "Sometimes good people to evil things". It is pretty hard watching an innocent man with no reason to hurt anyone to someone who you do not want to be near with. The thought of it terrifies me! The actors portray these scenes very realistically and carefully. The haunting music that goes along with this film creates the atmosphere that this film really needs to succeed. The ending was even better than The Mists, and that was a beautiful one. My favorite bit was when (Spoiler) they find out the whole thing was useless because the money could not be used(spoiler end) and my worst bit was (spoiler) the ending again, because I had to watch all that money go to waste when it could've been filling my tummy with food(spoiler End). Final Thoughts: This is a awesomely crafted thriller that will captivate audiences in the very first twenty minutes, and I can guarantee that. It lacks in nothing and has everything. This film will live with me since I die! A great film! 10/10 - first movie so far of 2010.
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