Dr. Parnassus A Unique Adventure With Good Performances
2 May 2010
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is a unique adventure with good performances from the cast by writer/director Terry Gilliam whose admirable in making this movie thats original and might not be for everyone but I for one thought it was decent. Perhaps not the best movie I've seen but I still enjoyed it for what the film was. I won't get to much into the plot because it's better to see this movie without knowing too much about it. Dr. Parnassus marks the last film you'll see the late Heath Ledger in who sadly passed away while making this in January of 2008. Ledger is great as always as the mysterious and charismatic stranger Tony who joins a traveling theater company that gives it's audiences more than they expected. Ledger's part is more of a supporting one and thats okay because he immerses himself into the role (just like he did with his other roles and as Batman's arch nemesis The Joker in 2008's blockbuster hit "The Dark Knight") and he turns in a very good performance none the less. He's actually in it more than I thought he was going to be. Ledger doesn't appear on screen until about 24 minutes into it and some maybe a bit shocked with his introduction into the story considering the first time we meet him he's hanging by his neck from a bridge. While watching though it you can't help but feel sad at least I did knowing this is the last movie you'll ever see him in because he really was such a chameleon. An extremely talented and gifted young actor who seemed to take his roles seriously, without taking himself too seriously and there's no doubt in my mind that he will sorely be missed. Rest in Peace Ledger. Christopher Plummer is equally impressive as the character of the title who makes a deal with the devil for powers and immortality. Plummer like Ledger becomes the character for the film and he turns in a solid performance as a man who tries to make up for past mistakes by beating the devil at his own game of bets. The rest of the relatively unknown cast including Lilly Cole, Andrew Garfield, Verne Troyer, and Tom Waits as the Devil are effective as the supporting characters who are at least developed to a point where you know a little bit about them. Waits does a good job as the Devil who gives the film some dark humor from time to time and he's clearly having fun playing Satan. Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell, and Jude Law play alternate versions of Tony when he enters the mirror into an imaginary world and all the three actors do an excellent job of making you believe it's the same character while putting their own little twists to the role. Depp has the smallest part of the three and his appearance is more like a cameo (he's only on screen for 1 maybe 2 minutes) but he still turns a solid performance. Colin Farrell and Jude Law have a little more to do and I feel both actors like Depp have done justice to the character Heath had created for the movie. Well done. This film maybe light on action but what it does offer is character development (Parnassus and Tony), some humor, drama, and solid performances by the cast. The film's pace was a little slow at times, some questions are never answered leaving them ambiguous, and the ending isn't quite what I expected but the exceptional performances by the cast (especially Ledger, Plummer, Depp, Law, Waits and Farrell) make up for it's few flaws. Overall The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus is an original mystery adventure drama thats certainly worth the time to watch. It's different and a little weird but in a good way. So if you're a fan of Gilliam, the late Heath Ledger, Christopher Plummer, or anyone else in the cast than chances are you'll definitely enjoy this one.
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