Lost: Every Man for Himself (2006)
Season 3, Episode 4
Lost at it's darkest
3 May 2010
Favorite Scene – The only really good scene in the episode. The scene with Boone in the sweat lodge.

Episode 3.4 Every Man for Himself 6/10

Island Plot – Ben goes to drastic means to get Sawyers cooperation. Jack tries to save an Others life.

Flashback – In prison Sawyer tries to con another inmate.

This is the episode where the Hydra Island subplot started to get tedious and a little to dark for my taste. If seeing Sawyer get beat up and emotionally and physically abused for an hour seems fun to you than this is your episode. For me it grows only more tedious with each viewing. Having said that, I have to admit there is a certain perverse pleasure in seeing Ben kick Sawyers rear end. Who knew he had it in him?

The flashbacks are OK and do give an interesting fact about Sawyer personnel life that I didn't see coming. The Jack and Juliet scenes are very good as usual and the subplot with Desmond, Charlie and Claire is mildly interesting. The "surprise" reveal at the end of the episode was pretty lame at the time and hasn't gotten much better.

All and all, not a bad episode but definitely not a classic.
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