Supernatural: Two Minutes to Midnight (2010)
Season 5, Episode 21
Oh, Death, оh Death, my name is Death and the end ïs here...
6 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
They really go over-the-top with Pestilence. First it was his sneezing/wiping snot everywhere, now it's old people throwing up green vomit. Not exactly subtle.

The sight of Castiel in the hospital was somewhat amusing, but even more amusing was him saying he can't "zap anywhere". I love that the angels themselves don't have a proper word for what they do, so he just uses Dean's. Welcome to being "incredibly human", Castiel. Yeah, annoying how bug bites don't stop itching, no matter how much you scratch them. Good of him to apologise for what he said to Dean (though he could have added "Sorry for beating the crap out of you.").

'Serenity Valley' - nice shout-out to the series Firefly. Okay, I've lost count of how many times this season a character has made reference to the Winchesters' asses. Now we can add Pestilence to the list. Really, SPN writers, what is with the fASScination?? Pestilence was a bit over-the-top with his shouting to nurse demon. And her hugging him whilst he was covered in vomit? Yuck. Poor Sam and Dean. Syphilis? Yeah, Xander from Buffy will attest to that not being "fun". The actor playing Pestilence is more effective when he's *not* yelling. Heh, Castiel took a bus. I wonder if he had to put up with the bus arriving late and a cranky bus driver? Him cutting off Pestilence's finger (and the scream that went along with it) was very satisfying. The jerk deserved it.

Nice to have Crowley back yet again. And yeah, Bobby, you're a damn hypocrite for agreeing to give up your soul to Crowley (even if it's to get to Death), after all the crap you gave Dean about selling his soul to bring back Sam at the end of Season 2. Sam got the first great line of the episode, asking, "Did you kiss him?". Bobby's reaction and emphatic "NO!" was almost as good, then Crowley actually having a PHOTO of him lip-locking with Bobby just made the moment classic. Followed by Bobby asking why Crowley had to take a picture, and him firing back, "Why'd you have to use tongue?". Sam and Dean's reactions throughout all of this were hilarious.

The song playing over Death walking along a sidewalk and bumping the guy, who mouthed off (big mistake) and then promptly dropped dead? Best entrance of all the Four Horseman.

Why shouldn't Castiel bitch to you, Bobby? What have *you* been doing all season long? Bitching. So why should you be the only one? While I appreciate the show acknowledging when times were simple and the boys just hunted things, I wish Sam hadn't referenced that awful Season 1 episode 'Wendigo'. Nice of Crowley to give Bobby back the use of his legs (and good to hear Bobby actually thank him for it).

Sucks that Michael has settled on Adam as his replacement vessel for Dean. I mean, all this season we'd been led to believe how important Dean was in stopping Lucifer, but then when it comes right down to it...Michael settles for long lost brother? Kind of a cheat/cop-out, isn't it?

Oh no, not Sam's Achilles Heel (, throat)! Very happy to see Castiel blow the rabid dude's head off and save Sam.

I wish we'd seen Tessa the Reaper again with all the other reapers. She's awesome, and I like the way she interacts with Dean. I'm still holding out hope for a return appearance from her before the show's over.

Good scene between Dean and Death. Especially liked Death describing Lucifer as a "bratty child having a tantrum", though his letting Chicago stay because he likes the pizza did remind me of Spike wanting to save the world in Buffy because it had Manchester United and "Happy Meals with legs" (ie. people).

Nice effect with the Horsemen rings coming together. Of COURSE Dean's worried about losing his brother, Bobby! What a stupid question. Dean's got a hell of a decision to make.

This wasn't exactly up to Season 4's second-to-last-episode standard (I mean, 'When the Levee Breaks' ended with a punch-out between Sam and Dean, while this episode ended with...Dean and Bobby talking at a table). Still, it's good that Dean's weighing up just what is at stake here. His brother or the world (essentially). Here's hoping he doesn't pull a Buffy and do a swan dive into the pit. This was a pretty good episode, the second half was much better than the first half (mainly due to the actor playing Death, and Death as a character being much more intriguing than Pestilence).

I hope the Season 5 final is up to the same standard as the finals from Seasons 1, 2 and 3 (I wasn't overly fussed on Season 4's final, except for towards the end). Don't disappoint, Kripke!
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