Cold Weather (2010)
A beautiful portrayal of sibling bonds
7 May 2010
Both written and Directed by Aaron Katz (Dance Party USA, Quiet City) Cold Weather tells the story of an underachieving forensics graduate, Doug (Cris Lankenau), who upon moving in with his sister, Gail (Trieste Kelly Dunn), quickly finds himself thrust into a real life who-done-it when his ex-girlfriend suddenly vanishes. Being an admittedly big fan of Sherlock Holmes, Doug, along with his his sister and his new bestie, Carlos (Raul Castillo), set out to play real life detectives in a case that just might be a little over their heads.

The film is described as a thriller, which I though I was going to see. To be honest, the film wasn't that thrilling at all, at least when compared to good thrillers. I mean, it's no Polanski. My first impression upon leaving my seat was actually that of disappointment. It wasn't until I was on the bus heading home when it suddenly hit me.

The point of the movie had little to do with the thriller aspects and everything to do with the brother and sister relationship. It's like one of those 3-D puzzles that were popular in the mid-90's. You know, the ones where in order to see the complete picture you had to let your eyes relax, otherwise all you would see would be squiggly lines and repetitive shapes.

Here the squiggly lines were clearly the missing girlfriend subplot masquerading itself as the film's main design. The full picture however, was Aaron Katz's beautiful portrait of one sibling's bond at a particular moment in time.

I recommend this film to anyone who likes to laugh just as much, if not more than they liked to be thrilled, or just simply anyone who has a lot of love their sibling
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