Inspector Lewis: Allegory of Love (2009)
Season 3, Episode 1
16 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
For a show supposedly written for an intelligent and alert audience, the plot of this installment of "Lewis" is a big disappointment. If Lewis and his sidekick could be bothered to do the basic footwork of crime detection (like checking up on the alibis presented to them), they'd have the guilty party in their sights about 35 minutes into the show. Instead, they go off chasing all sorts of red herrings for another three quarters of an hour before finally getting around to asking the question they should have asked all along, which duly leads them onto the right track in time for an arrest in minute 90. Mission accomplished, one and a half hours of viewers' time wasted.

If you watch "Lewis" simply for its beautiful Oxford setting, you may enjoy this episode. Otherwise, I'd recommend you stay well clear of this one.
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