Not as dreadful as Brick, but still a waste of your time
22 May 2010
This film is a self-indulgent bore. I'm not sure what it wants to be, beyond that. Is it a comedy? But then it would need to have at least one laugh in it somewhere. There seemed to be things which were supposed to be funny to the writer, but just weren't to the audience. Is it a crime drama? But then it would need to be remotely believable. Surely someone writing a movie about con artistry would acknowledge that much. But I didn't buy any of it. Is it a mystery? But then it wouldn't be so predictable. Is it a thoughtful meditation on some theme? Maybe. But I just couldn't get interested in it. It's too cutesy and "oh look at me" for that.

On top of it, the leads are two of the most annoying "actors" in Hollywood today. One of these two per film is one thing, but both of them? I couldn't get into the characters, because I kept seeing Mark and Adrian, Mark and Adrian. Ugh.

Anyway, 6/10 because I didn't feel totally insulted. Brick was insulting. This one I feel was a genuine attempt at making a film, that just failed miserably. Dare I hope for better with the next one?
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