The Devil's Chair (II) (2007)
A must see horror film
29 May 2010
The Devil's Chair follows the story of Nick west who after taking his girlfriend out for a crazy LSD induced night with in the walls of a deserted asylum, finds himself accused of her brutal murder and is shipped off to a mental hospital. Years later a doctor who is writing a book decides to take Nick back to the scene of the grisly murder along with some other students to find out the truth about what happened that night.

It's very rare that after I watch a horror movie these days that I'm totally blown away and speechless. But The Devil's Chair did just that too me, for anyone who has become jaded and heartbroken with what horror has become in the eyes of the mainstream, it will remind you of all the reasons you fell in love with the genre to begin with. This movie has it all a well written and acted script, beautiful special effects, and a ending that will leave you running the entire film over and over through your mind as if it's stuck on repeat for weeks to come.

It's really sad that a movie like this did not see a nationwide theater release as it would have been a very fun and intense experience on the big screen. And I believe audiences would of left very happy with what they paid too experience something that I'm sure a lot of today's mover goers don't have the pleasure of saying too often. If you have not seen this film it should be added to the top of your too watch list. Adam Mason does a wonderful job at keeping your attention and makes it all worth your while when it comes to the end leaving you satisfied and lost in a state that can only be described as pure horror bliss. The special effects and overall setting in this movie is beautiful. The blood and gore are realistic and the kills are very intense. I was very impressed with the way this movie was filmed, at first when I was going into this movie I was expecting something along the lines of the quality you'd find in most B horror movies. But I was very wrong the special effects and overall visuals of this movie are on par with what you see Hollywood churning out these days.

But unlike Hollywood horror your also blessed with a mind blowing story that's backed up with very solid and believable acting. The dialog in this movie at times is very thought provoking and really makes you take into consideration what the main character is saying. I was highly impressed with the writing in this movie, something I don't get to say about to many horror movies these days.

In the end when all is said and done and I think back to the experience I had while watching this movie I believe it deserves the rating of 9 out of 10 and a spot on my list of important horror movies to see before you die.


  • Ritualistic The Liberal Dead
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